Thursday, December 26, 2019
Syndetonââ¬Definition and Examples
Syndeton is aà rhetorical term for a sentence style in which words, phrases, or clauses are joined by conjunctions (usually and). A construction that uses many conjunctions is called polysyndetic. Examples and Observations At the marina, rain, and steam rising from the bay shrouded boats and birds, and made the few scurrying people indistinct.Blaize Clement, Raining Cat Sitters and Dogs. Minotaur Books, 2010I crawled back under the cover of the boat and huddled there, wet, cold and sobbing.Sam McKinney, Sailing Uphill. Touchwood, 2010The fine rain made a desolate, even sound like breathing in the pinewoods, and below, milky layers of mist covered the lake, and were stained here and there by the darkness of the water beneath.Elizabeth Bowen, Salon des DamesYou are talking to a man who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom, and chuckled at catastrophe.The Wizard in The Wizard of Oz, 1939Rain on all the silent streets and squares, alleys and courts, gardens and churchyards and stone steps and nooks and crannies of the city.Susan Hill, The Mist in the Mirror. Sinclair-Stevenson, 1992 Polysyndetonââ¬â¹Ã¢â¬â¹ He and Rawlins had unsaddled the horses and turned them out in the dark and they were lying on the saddle blankets and using the saddles for pillows. The night was cold and clear and the sparks rising from the fire raced hot and red among the stars. They could hear the trucks out on the highway and they could see the lights of the town reflected off the desert fifteen miles to the north.Cormac McCarthy, All the Pretty Horses. Alfred A. Knopf, 1992 Marking Coordination Coordination is usually but not invariably marked by one or more coordinators. Three patterns to be distinguished are shown in (6): (6) i SIMPLE SYNDETIC You need [celery, apples, walnuts, and grapes].(6) ii POLYSYNDETIC You need [celery and apples and walnuts and grapes].(6) iii ASYNDETIC You need [celery, apples, walnuts, grapes]. The major contrast is between syndetic coordination, which contains at least one coordinator, and asyndetic coordination, which does not. In constructions with more than two coordinates, there is a further contrast within syndetic coordination between the default simple syndetic, which has a single coordinator marking the final coordinate, and polysyndetic, where all non-initial coordinates are marked by a coordinator (which must be the same for all of them). The coordinator forms a constituent with the coordinator which follows: we refer to expressions like and grapes as an expanded coordinate, with grapes itself a bare coordinate.Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum, Coordination and Subordination. The Handbook of English Linguistics, ed. by Bas Aarts and April M. S. McMahon. Blackwell, 2006
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Company Profile Of Tagerty Pty Ltd Essay - 1983 Words
1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Company Profile Tagerty Pty Ltd is organization which sells beauty care products, situated in low-lease external rural territory of Melbourne. The organization was set up in 1996 by 18-year-old young men (Andrew, Bernard and Carlo. They were inspired by Poppy King ââ¬â a young cosmetics entrepreneur in Melbourne. Scope and methodology Limitations 2. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 2.1. Industry that the company is in Tagerty is small Australian based company who manufactures cosmetic products especially for men (body and skin care, sun protection and recovery, shaving and facial care, fragrances, deodorants and hair care). The company operates in low-key manner and has enjoyed success since beginning. With the emergence of new organic, natural and green products consumers became more sensitive towards their choice of product in Australia ( Therefore, company decides to explore new market. 2.2. Statistics on the size and growth of the industry Cosmetics and personal care industry is growing day by day as people are becoming more sensible about their appearance. Not only women but men are also attracted to improve their looks. Canadian men had started taking care of their skin and became more conscious about beauty to enhance their professional credibility. Menââ¬â¢s grooming market has viewed growth since 2010 with little downfall in 2014 and then again grew and reached at CAD 1,009.0 million in 2015 (Graph 1) (Passport
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
General Strike of 1926 Essay Example For Students
General Strike of 1926 Essay : The General Strike of 1926 lasted only ninedays and directly involved around 1.8 million workers. It was the short butultimate outbreak of a much longer conflict in the mining industry, which lastedfrom the privatisation of the mines after the First World War until theirrenewed nationalisation after the Second. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-* Copyright Inc. *Category:HistoryPaper Title:General Strike of 1926Text:The General Strike of 1926Essay written by Michael FunkWhy did the General Strike of 1926 fail and what were the effects the strikehad upon industrial relations in Britain?The General Strike of 1926 lasted only nine days and directly involved around1.8 million workers. It was the short but ultimate outbreak of a much longerconflict in the mining industry, which lasted from the privatisation of themines after the First World War until their renewed nationalisation after theSecond. The roots of the General Strike in Brit ain, unlike in France or othercontinental countries, did not lie in ideological conceptions such assyndicalism but in the slowly changing character of trade union organisation andtactics. On the one hand, unskilled and other unapprenticed workers had beenorganised into national unions since the 1880s to combat sectionalism and tostrengthen their bargaining power and the effectiveness of the strike weapon. Onthe other hand, at the same time and for the same reason trade unions haddeveloped the tactic of industry-wide and sympathetic strikes. Later duringthe pre-war labour unrest these two forms of strike action, national andsympathetic, were more often used together which in an extreme case could havemeant a general strike. The symbol of this new strategy was the triple alliance,formed in 1914, which was a loose, informal agreement between railwaymen,transport workers and miners to support each other in case of industrialdisputes and strikes. As G.A. Phillips summarised:The General S trike was in origin, therefore, the tactical product of apattern of in-dustrial conflict and union organisation which had developed overthe past twenty-five years or so in industries where unionism had beenintroduced only with difficulty, among rapidly expanding labour forcestraditionally resistant to organisation, or against strong opposition fromemployers. Therefore, a large majority of the British Labour movement saw a generalstrike along the traditional labourist view, which emphasised the separationof the political and the industrial sphere, as a purely industrial act. Thisnotion was supported the developments in the 1920s when the depression and theemployers offensive weakened the militant and revolutionary forces , whereas thesuccess of the Labour Party and the reorganisation of the TUC General Councilfurther strengthened these labourist forces. The governments and the employers view, of course, was a different one. Since the French syndicalists in 1906 had drawn up the Charter of Amiens,reaffirming their belief in direct political action and the general strike as ameans of overthrowing the Parliamentary system, governments and industrialistsall over Europe saw a general strike as a revolutionary challenge for theconstitution and the economic system. Although the British Labour movement hadnever been really committed to this idea, during the post-war boom when it wason the offensive, there were two examples of semi-syndicalist conceptionsconcerning the use of industrial action against the war and British interventionagainst the Soviet Republic. Government and employers were warned and did nothesitate to condemn every notion of nation wide industrial action asunconstitutional and revolutionary. The mining dispute which caused the General Strike emerged after the FirstWorld War when the triple alliance broke and the miners were left to fight aloneagainst the governments plans to privatise the mines. As a result the minessuddenly returned to their private owners and the miners faced demands for verysubstantial wage cuts of up to 50 per cent . The dispute escalated because thecrisis was seen by all the key players -the government, the em-ployers and theTrade Union Council (TUC)- as an example for future industrial relations inBritain. The trade un-ion movement saw its opportunity to challenge the notionthat wage reduction could solve Britains economic diffi-culties and decidedtherefore that a future united action in support of the miners would take theform of a general strike. But as Margaret Morris emphasised. It was theabsence of any possibility of finding an agreed solution to the difficulties inthe mining industry which made a confrontation on the lines of the GeneralStrik e almost inevita-ble, not any generalised will to class conflict. The Conservative government, however, saw its role as a neutral, standingbetween the contending parties and rep-resenting the British people as a whole. Its industrial policy included the application of the principle ofco-partnership in industry, in the hope that workers and management would beginto see their interest as identical, a policy which was ultimately challenged bya general strike. The Government was completely aware that a trade union victorywould have important political implications such as government intervention inthe coal industry as well as encouraging further industrial action of a similardimension. Moreover, in 1926 the government was very well prepared for a majorindustrial dispute, whereas unemployment and uncertain economicallycircumstances forced the trade union movement in the defensive. Rainforest deforestation EssayAmong historians the most controversial issue concerning the General Strikeis its impact on the development of the Labour movement. For Marxist historians,such as Martin Jacques and Keith Burgess, the General Strike marked a centralwatershed in this development. They emphasised a shift to the right of the wholeLabour movement and a further strengthening of traditional labourist forces ,whereas the left and especially the Communist Party was isolated and lost itsinfluence. Jacques described this new direction as a general rejection ofmilitancy and the use of industrial action for political ends, the strictseparation of the political and the industrial spheres, the notion of solvingLabours problems within the capitalist system and finally the acceptance of thecommon interest between wage-labour and employers. For Burgess, the idea ofclass collaboration which was symbolised in the Mond-Turner talks especiallymarked a sharp watershed. The extent to which t he TUC as a whole was wonover to these ideas marked the final stage in the containment of the challengeof labour to the existing social order. Besides the impact of the GeneralStrike both historians also emphasised other factors for this shift, such as thechanging eco-nomic environment , but as Jacques suggested:Mass unemployment, structural chance and the rise in real wages do notthem-selves explain the politics and ideology of working-class movement duringthe inter-war period. Nevertheless, they provide an essential explanation. Forthey help to reveal what might be de-scribed as the objective basis of the shiftto the right on trade union movement. Although mass unemployment influenced the Labour movement from the beginningby forcing the workers on the defensive, undermining multi-sectionalconsciousness and weakening sectional solidarity, it was not until the Gen-eralStrike that it played a crucial role in determining the politics and ideology ofthe trade union movement. This notion of a watershed has been challenged by several other historians,above all by G.A.Phillips. He suggested that the General Strike had asignificant short-term effect upon union strength -measured primarily in termsof membership and its distribution- but almost no lasting consequences. Onindustrial tactics, and especially the use of the strike weapon, their impactwas rather to provide a further restraining influence where inhibiting factorswere already in evidence, than to initiate any change of conduct. Furthermore he emphasised this the reinforced trend towards industrial peace washappening anyway, as well as the long-established faith in a regulated system ofvol-untary collective bargaining. Thus he described the shift to the right ofthe whole Labour movement and the isola-tion of the Marxist left more as afurther strengthening of already familiar principles than as a significantwatershed. Moreover, the strike itself and especially its failure was the resultof the structural development of the trade union movement along these familiarprinciples -especially the labourist one- over two generations. Altogether,from this point of view it seems that the pattern of trade union activity andindustrial relations was not altered by the General Strike. The only thing thatreally changed was the Labour movements rhetoric style and as LaybournEmphasised, the isolation of the rank and file activists from the trade unionofficials and therefore the final decline of the shop stewards movement. However, there is little doubt that the 1920s saw a transition of the wholeLabour movement towards the separation of the political and the industrialspheres, collaboration and moderation. At the end of the 1920s the Labour Partywas much stronger and even the trade unions, despite their defeat in the GeneralStrike and their reduction in both finances and members, were now much moreeffective. The General Strike, of course, played an important role in thistransition, but more for its final consolidation than as a crucial watershed. Moreover, its origin and its failure seem today like a paradigm of thistransition. Nevertheless, in the long term the General Strike left some marksupon the Labour movement, which determined its future fate. Most importantly,after defeat the miners lost their crucial position within the Labour movementand great bitterness and frustration emerged among the miners in particular, butalso within the Labour movement as a whole. Bibliography:Burgess, Keith: The Challenge of Labour. Shaping British Society 1850-1930,London 1980. Clegg, Hugh Armstrong: A History of British Trade Unions since 1889. VolumeII 1911-1933, Oxford 1989. Jacques, Martin: Consequences of the General Strike, in: Skelley, Jeffrey(ed.): The General Strike 1926, Lon-don 1976. Laybourn, Keith: a History of British Trade Unionism. Ch. 5: Trade Unionismduring the Inter-War Years 1918-1939, Gloucestershire 1992. Mason, A.: The Government and the General Strike, 1926, in: InternationalReview of Social History, XIV 1969. Morris, Margaret: The British General Strike 1926, The Historical association1973. Phillips, G.A.: The General Strike. The Politics of Industrial Conflict,London 1976. Renshaw, Patrick: The General Strike, London 1975. Wrigley, Chris: 1926: Social Costs of the Mining Dispute, in: History Today34, Nov. 1984. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Monday, December 2, 2019
John Sousa Essays - John Philip Sousa, Music Of Washington, D.C.
John Sousa Artists do not create in a vacuum. They reflect their times or at the very least are affected by the lives they lead which are also influenced by the public sphere. The term for this reflection is "Zeitgeist." It literally means"spirit of the times." John Philip Sousa and his works can be classified under this term of "Zeitgeist." Most of Sousa's music was composed during a period known as the gilded age. This period is known for its gross materialism and blatant political corruption in the United States. However, Sousa's music does not seem to reflect this corruption, but rather it reflects a way to deal with the corruption and mishaps of the times. John Philip Sousa, also known as the "March King," was born on November 6,1854, in Washington D.C., near the marine barracks where his father, Antonio, was a musician in the marine band. He received his grammar school education in Washington and for several of his school years enrolled in a private conservatory of music operated by John Esputa, Jr. . There he studied piano and most of the orchestral instruments, but his main passion was the violin. He became very good at the violin, and at age 13 he was almost persuaded to join a circus band . As a young boy, the martial music of army bands in the streets of Washington during and immediately following the Civil War had a profound effect on him. When he was not yet fourteen he enlisted in the Marine Corps and succeeded in becoming a member of the marine band . This is where he picked up a liking for marches. After being discharged from the Marine Corps, Sousa toured with several traveling theater orchestras and in 1876 moved to Philadelphia. There he worked as an arranger, composer, and proofreader for publishing houses . While on tour with an opera company in St. Louis, he received a telegram offering him leadership of the Marine Band in Washington. He accepted and reported for duty on October 1, 1880, becoming the band's 17th leader . The marine band was Sousa's first experience conducting a military band, and he approached it unlike most of his predecessors. Rehearsals became exceptionally strict, and he shaped his musicians into the country's premiere band . The military was important to Sousa's music style. His main musical compositions were marches, which were the most widely used form of music in the military. His first two marches that he wrote as leader of the band, "The Gladiator" and "Semper Fidelis," were received with great acclaim in military band circles and from that time on he received ever-increasing attention and respect as a composer . Both of these marches were high-spirited and uplifting, just the thing to raise moral among the troops as well as promote nationalism within the states. In 1889, Sousa wrote a march called "The Washington Post" march, which was soon adapted and identified with the new dance called the two-step. Right after this march was written, a British band journalist remarked that since Johann Strauss, Jr. was called "The Waltz King," that American bandmaster Sousa should be called the "March King." With this Sousa's regal title was coined and has remained ever since . Sousa lived most of his life during a time known as the gilded age, named after the famous book by Mark Twain. The gilded age was a time of gross material interest among the American people and blatant corruption among the politicians . Within congress the Senate generally overshadowed the House of Representatives. Some critics even called the Senate a "rich man's club." The House was one of the most disorderly and inefficient legislative bodies in the world. As a result of the civil war, the division between the Democrats and the Republicans was even more sectional than ever . In this case it is very hard to find the "Zeitgeist" in Sousa's compositions of this time. In fact they even seem to contradict the spirit of that era. All of the marches that Sousa wrote during the gilded age were extremely upbeat and energetic, while the time was corrupt and backhanded. This is because Sousa was responding to the negative messages being sent out by the political society by helping Americans realize how great their nation is. All of his musical pieces expressed a certain proud nationalism that helped the people cope with the harsh times. Sousa's most famous march, "The Stars and Stripes Forever," was written, in 1896, by Sousa on a boat ride
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
HIV in South Africa Essays
HIV in South Africa Essays HIV in South Africa Essay HIV in South Africa Essay HIWAIDS In south Africa South Africa has more people with HIWAIDS than any other country in the world. Over 5,700,000 South Africans are living with HIV/AIDS, which is 12% of the population of South Africa (Banerjee 63). The adult population with HIV/AIDS is 18. 1%. South Africa continues to struggle in regards to dealing with this disease. In 2007, only 28% of people with AIDS received anti-retroviral treatment (Central Intelligence Agency 1). This number has improved from 2004 however, when only 4% of people with AIDS received anti-retroviral treatment. AIDS continues to be a huge problem to the South African population. In 2007, around 280,000 South Africans died of AIDS. Thats about half of all South African deaths that year (Mid-year Population Estimates, 1). There is still great mystery as to why South Africa is so affected, especially compared to other African countries that have greater poverty. However, it is known that South Africa has made mistakes in regards to how to prevent the spread of HIV. As clarified through explanations of the prevalence of the disease, what affects economic growth and whats being done to stop the spread, economic development in South Africa is isturbed greatly by the continuous rise in HIV/AIDS. It is estimated that 10. 9% of all South Africans have HIV/AIDS. HIV is most common among female adults under the age of 40. Not much is being done to help limit the spread of HIV. Slightly more than 50% of sexually active South Africans have ever had at least one HIV test (Sub- Saharan Africa). South Africa is struggling with regards as to how they should treat the spread of HIV. What has worked best at limiting the spread of HIV has been the ability for South Africa to help educate people in regards to how to prevent HIV. Knowledge about HIV/AIDS is lowest among people older than 50 years (Banerjee 63). In 2008, more than half of South Africans with HIV reside in the most popular provinces: the KwaZulu-Natal and Gautleng provinces (Sub-Saharan Africa, 1). This just shows that some areas seem to have greater availability of resources, since areas of poverty and education vastly range from different provinces.. Expenses related to HIV/AIDS are equivalent to 4% of all salaries in South Africa. The cost of HIV/AIDS include: costs associated with greater absenteeism, reduced productivity, increased urnover, and healthcare costs (Central Intelligence Agency). To counteract these problems, two main campaigns were enacted: Soul City (a television drama for adults) and Soul Buddyz (a television series for teenagers) (Booysen, 1). While these two campaigns were effective at first, there was unfortunately a decrease in quality on condoms, creating a loss on effectiveness in HIV prevention in the 21st century. It seems as though South Africa has no successful plan in regards to effectively stopping the spread of HIV. In 1983, AIDS was first diagnosed to two patients in South Africa. By 1986, there were 46 AIDS diagnoses. In 1990, 1% of South Africans had AIDS. In 1999 the fgure had reached 10%. Now, its estimated that 6 million people currently have HIV/AIDS in South Africa (Booysen 1). A major reason as to why there was still so much of a continuation of the spread of HIV/AIDS in South Africa came from the fact that there was much AIDS denialism in South Africa. The president improve HIV/AIDS treatment was damaged by the attitude of many figures in the government when the health minister incorrectly claimed that a diet of lemon, garlic, nd olive oil could cure the disease (Booysen 1). There is hope that in the near future, there will be greater availability of resources to prevent HIV/AIDS. South Africa has the potential to turn around the amount of future diagnoses, for they have the industrial power to create affective ways for educating people as to how one becomes HIV+, and what one can do to prevent the disease from spreading. Bibliography Banerjee, AbhiJit V. , and Esther Duflo. Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty. New York: PublicAffairs, 2011. Print. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook. OpenGov, n. d. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. . Mid- year Population Estimates. Statistics of South Africa. User Information Services, n. d. web. 12 NOV. 2013. . Sub-Saharan Africa: AIDS Epidemic Update Regional Summary. Joint United Programs on AIDS. World Health Organization, n. d. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. . Booysen, F. R. Geldenguys,J. P. Marinkov, M. The Impact of HIV/AIDS on the South African Economy: A Review of Current Evidence. Univ ersity of the Free State. Department of Economics, n. d. Web. 12 Nov. 2013.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Sustainable Development the Banking Sector
Sustainable Development the Banking Sector Many financial institutions have realized the importance of sustainable development. Several banks are currently involved in approaches, which help other business firms understand the importance of sustainable business practices. Banking institutions need to review their lending policies to ensure borrowers use credit obtained in a sustainable manner.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Sustainable Development: the Banking Sector specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Financial regulators need to establish strong codes of conduct to ensure banks comply with social and environmental regulations. Banks need to assess if their borrowers have complied with crucial environmental requirements before offering them credit (Stephens and Skinner 175). This will make them transact with customers who are willing to fulfill their social and environmental responsibilities. Some investments which banks finance impact greatly on climate chan ge. They have been criticized for giving less attention to environmental and social issues. The banking sector needs to reclaim public trust and confidence to clean up its reputation. Many banks were heavily involved in the recent global financial crisis, whose effects continue to be felt in many economies. Many financial sectors are not well regulated, which makes it possible for some banks to engage in unethical practices. Banks need to include environmental and social compliance in the loan application criteria, before giving out credit to business owners. This will make them vet corporate loan applicants to determine their level of compliance to social and environmental goals. Banks award their top executives a lot of incentives and this contributes to income inequalities in many societies. These incentives encourage banks to pursue profitability more aggressively, at the expense of environmental and social issues (Stephens and Skinner 176). Many banks are only interested in goo d financial results, which do not have a positive impact on the society. SWIFT, an association of more than 10,000 banks operating in over 200 countries, has proposed radical measures to enable banks contribute positively to sustainable development.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This association has introduced various proposals which advise banks to make a positive impact on social and environmental issues The initiative aims to encourage banks to develop products, which support socially sustainable businesses because they make a bigger impact on the lives of poor people. Small and medium enterprises, whose operations conform to social and environmental goals, need financial support to make a bigger impact in their industries. It is necessary for banks to provide them with adequate financing to make their operations more innovative. Banks need to implement effec tive processes, which enable them achieve sustainable development goals. They need to change their practices to make more people aware of the importance of sustainable development (Stephens and Skinner 178). Financial institutions need to change their attitudes towards social and environmental issues. They need to create effective systems to monitor if their borrowers are complying with crucial social and environmental standards. This will make it possible for them to assess if borrowers use loans for sustainable development. Banks need to provide low interest credit to lower income segments of the market, to enable them sustain positive relationships with their customers. Several European banks have been subjected to a lot of pressure by NGOââ¬â¢s and other watchdog bodies, to stop financing companies, which produce and sell arms (Struyk 330). Weapon manufacturers have been accused of fueling conflicts in war torn countries, which cause death, suffering and destruction. Therefor e, financial institutions need to be vigilant on business ethics to ensure they finance ventures which give people hope for the future. Stephens, Carolyn, and Chris Skinner. ââ¬Å"Banks for a Better Planet? The Challenge of Sustainable Social and Environmental Development and The Emerging Response of The Banking Sector.â⬠Environmental Development 5 (2013): 175-179. Print.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Sustainable Development: the Banking Sector specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Struyk, Zach. ââ¬Å"Book Reviews.â⬠Resources Conservation and Recycling 37 (2003): 329-333. Print.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Celebrating Nerdiness Analysis Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Celebrating Nerdiness Analysis - Coursework Example In the first paragraph, Rogers mentions some stereotyped definitions of nerdiness, such as being ââ¬Å"friendlessâ⬠and ââ¬Å"book-smart sissiesâ⬠(1). He opposes the definition of nerdiness as being suck-ups, however, because nerds, since they are nerds, violate social norms at the behest of authorities. Rogers also underlines that the rise of the Internet makes nerdiness cool to some extent, because their computer skills are handy in high-tech societies. Roger starts expounding on the definition of nerdiness on the first paragraph, because he already names several common definitions of nerdiness. This placement is effective, because it establishes ethos. Rogers is saying that he knows what a nerd is, because he is a nerd himself. His experiences are sufficient to explain that society often get nerdiness wrong. In the first paragraph, he stresses that nerds are far from being suck-ups to authority figures, because their deficiency in social skills tend to ââ¬Å"horrifyâ⬠the latter (1). The effect of this statement is it shows that nerds are not concerned of following authority, in fact, they are ultimate individualists, sometimes, too extremely so that their social skills and experiences suffer in the process. But like any other individual, these consequences are acceptable, because it indicates that nerds are social rebels, to some extent, and this makes them similar to other average-intelligence people. 2. Using the list on pp. 250-251 in Wyrick, (attached) identify and provide examples of those strategies used by the author in order to clarify the definition. For example, does he compare nerdiness to something else? Does he use familiar synonyms for nerdiness? Does he illustrate what nerdiness is not (negation)? Does he explain the etymology (history) of nerdiness? Does the definition change from the beginning to the end of the essay? Rogers uses the strategy of describing distinguishing
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Historical Speeches and the WOW Factor Assignment
Historical Speeches and the WOW Factor - Assignment Example Kennedy prefers repeating some praises that will have impact on the people and prompt them to continue with the same spirit. These include, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦Let them come to Berlin...â⬠which he was addressing to the world and other people who preferred the communistsââ¬â¢ way of governance. He also chooses figurative words and statements like ââ¬Å"....indivisibleâ⬠and ââ¬Å"sober satisfactionâ⬠when referring to the state of freedom and relieve of the people respectively. The writerââ¬â¢s major technique encompasses appreciating and shunning any incidence of demeaning the audience. This is via giving the hope of maintaining their struggle coupled with stating great things in future that will result from their hard resolutions to stand for the truth and justice. He also refers to his audience as an example in the world where each state ought to emulate besides deriding the communistsââ¬â¢ erection of a wall meant to hold its subjects captive. Kennedyââ¬â¢s then speech in this context was effective due to the neutral ground that he adopted regarding the assassination coupled with his remorseful state. He shunned all cases that will lead to blame games and called upon the people to focus to the future, where there will be equality and love among Americaââ¬â¢s races (American Rhetoric, 2001). i. ââ¬Å"to say a prayer for the family of Martin Luther King -- yeah, its true -- but more importantly to say a prayer for our own country, which all of us love -- a prayer for understanding and that compassion of which I spokeâ⬠(American Rhetoric, 2001). iii. ââ¬Å"â⬠¦.Weve had difficult times in the past, but we -- and we will have difficult times in the future. It is not the end of violence; it is not the end of lawlessness; and its not the end of disorder.. â⬠(American Rhetoric, 2001). Kennedy decided to use a low tone in this particular speech compared to other occasions when addressing the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The way these issues are presented in the play Essay Example for Free
The way these issues are presented in the play Essay Things take a turn for the worse when the reverend starts to question Abigail about her relationship with John Proctor. Now Abigail can see that things can turn against her and she answers her uncle by saying Goody Proctor had wanted to use her as a slave and uses the sentence I will not black my face for any of them. Abigail also lets it be known to her uncle that Goody Proctor is a bitter woman who only wants to spread gossip, she assures her uncle that her name is white in the village. Abigail is trying very hard to get out of a very delicate situation, she can see that by giving the whole truth she will be at the very least cast out of the village and at the very worst named as a witch, but she should have realised that her uncle would never have allowed her to be named as a witch as this would have destroyed his good name. There is a meeting convened in the church where Reverend Parriss informs the people of Salem that their may be an evil spirit lurking in the village and that he has called in a man by the name of Mr Hale to come and see if there are any witches in the village and he reminds them of the trial of a witch in Beverly which came to nothing as Mr Hale had found the woman not to be a practicing witch. At this point Abigail runs from the church along with the other girls who had been in the woods with her. All the girls involved in the magical rites become hysterical and try to wake one of the girls in this case it is Betty Parriss. Betty awakes and blames Abigail saying she is a blood drinker who drank the blood of a chicken to kill Goody Proctor. This is not what Abigail wants to hear she knows the implications and she threatens Betty with terrible events if she tells about the blood drinking. We now see Proctor with many of the leaders of the village, downstairs in the Reverends house, discussing the children who are in a trance like state and also discussing the bringing in of a witch hunter. One of these people is Rebecca Nurse who is an elder of the village and she like John Proctor always speaks sense and knows that the children are acting up because they have been caught doing something wrong in the woods. I understand from all this that those people who have nothing to fear in their lives are just speaking the truth but people like Parriss are looking for a way out of their own problems and so are actually making the problem grow. Abigail meets up with John Proctor in the village and you can tell that John knows that it is Abigail who has caused the problems in the village but that he finds her very childlike and at this point does not know how dangerous Abigail is. In fact Abigail admits to John at this point that they were only messing about in the woods and that what they were doing was nothing more than a childish prank and not real witchcraft. Abigail on the other hand wants the love of John Proctor but John refuses Abigail and he tells her that they will not carry on their affair he says to her I will cut of my hand before reaching for you again. Abigail reacts in a very jealous way as she is burning with jealousy and says terrible things to John about his wife Goody Proctor. John is calm and tells her not to speak badly of his wife. If we are being fair to Abigail at this point we should understand that she was deeply in love with John Proctor, she did not think of their liaison as an quick affair but one of deep love and she could not understand why she was now being shunned by the man she loved so much. The witch hunter Hale arrives in Salem he has come from Beverly and when he meets with John Proctor the two men acknowledge that they are both intelligent men who want to get to the bottom of an increasingly disastarous problem.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Discrimination Against Women in Male Dominated Sports :: Movie Script Film Creative Writing Papers
Discrimination Against Women in Male Dominated Sports Assume you are a screenwriter in the year 2010. You have been commissioned to write a movie script about women's sports and current society. What is the theme? Who are the protagonists? What are the issues and how does the movie end? Due to the nature of this course, most of the films that have been shown concerned the discrimination women face when they attempt to compete against men in athletic areas that have long been considered unfit for their participation. Divisions of sport that could be regarded as more gender neutral were not mentioned nearly as often as those which have a long tradition of masculine head butting and back slapping, and athletics which are deemed feminine were not brought up at all. If the indignation felt by the protagonists of films like Girlfight is any indication of the present attitude of women towards sex-based discrimination in sport, it is entirely possible that we will have come a long way in the fight for equality by the year 2010. The following scenario is purely hypothetical and the future of the sport involved was manipulated for the purposes of this paper only. The activity of cup stacking has gained much popularity as a sport in the US today and is beginning to become known in areas outside of the country, such as Great Britain. It involves the stacking and dismantling of several predetermined cup arrangements in a specific order, with rules determining the exact manner in which a competitor must achieve this. The most important of these regulations is the ban on using both hands on one cup, as the active participation of both hands improves dexterity and assists right brain development. This is the side of the brain which promotes awareness, focus and rhythm, which are very important skills for the cup stacker and average person alike. Competition can take place on both an individual and team level, the clock and one's personal record being the antagonist in the former scenario. Boys and girls compete without regard to gender in this sport, though the record holder for speed stacking the cycle formation is female, clocking in at 7.43 seco nds. It has been observed that women generally possess more dexterity than men, which would give them a natural advantage in sports of this nature. This observation has led to a hypothesis concerning the domination of women in the future of cup stacking, which is the focus of Stacking Up, brought to you by Pickled Newt Pictures.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Before the law by Kafka Franz
This gatekeeper before the Law knows the intricacies of the web of paths within the gate which are essentially divine. The individual, who wishes to be admitted within the gate, is not given entry as the time is not ripe for his admittance. The man seeking entry has the patience and perseverance and asks whether he can try for entry again sometime later and being curious to know what is within the gate, peeps in.His many efforts to appease the gatekeeper fail, and till the moment of his death, the man is unable to get the entry and the gatekeeper finally closes the gate. The individual, who wishes to be admitted within the gate, is not given entry as the time is not ripe for his admittance. This gate is, however, specially erected for the man. To gain admittance, his actions and reactions need to fructify and strike the correct balance so that he is eligible to secure the entry. The domain within the gate is no ordinary one and has certain qualifying standards. .The man seeking entry has the patience and perseverance and asks whether he can try for entry again sometime later and being curious to know what is within the gate, peeps in. The man knows that to get the coveted entry within means to achieve something great. He has decided to hotly pursue the path that he has chosen for him and asks the gatekeeper again and again, at periodical intervals only to get the negative replies. The gatekeeper warns him of the tougher challenges ahead, should he succeed in securing admittance through the first gate guarded by him.His many efforts to appease the gatekeeper fail, and till the moment of his death, the man is unable to get the entry and the gatekeeper finally closes the gate. Before that the gatekeeper accepts all his offerings, but without any motivated desires, his only objective being to encourage the man in his pursuit. When all his efforts fail, the man shouts at the gatekeeper, as to why no one else ever tried to enter the gate if it is that important, to w hich the gatekeeper gives the answer that the gate is meant for the man only and none else can enter the gate.The best of the efforts may not lead one to the desired destination. This gatekeeper before the Law knows the intricacies of the web of paths within the gate that is essentially divine. The individual, who wishes to be admitted within the gate, is not given entry as the time is not ripe for his admittance. The man seeking entry has the patience and perseverance and asks whether he can try for entry again sometime later and being curious to know what is within the gate, peeps in.His many efforts to appease the gatekeeper fail, and till the moment of his death, the man is unable to get the entry and the gatekeeper finally closes the gate. ============= References Cited: Franz Kafka: Before the Law (e-text). To this gatekeeper comes a man from the country who asks to gain entry into the law. But the gatekeeper says that heâ⬠¦ records. viu. ca/~Johnstoi/Kafka/beforethelaw. h tm ââ¬â 11k ââ¬â Cached, Retrieved on July 16, 2008
Sunday, November 10, 2019
A Grain of Wheat Essay
A Grain of Wheat is a novel by Kenyan novelist Ngugi wa Thiongââ¬â¢o. The novel weaves several stories together during the state of emergency in Kenyaââ¬â¢s struggle for independence (1952ââ¬â1959), focusing on the quiet Mugo, whose life is ruled by a dark secret. The plot revolves around his home villageââ¬â¢s preparations for Kenyaââ¬â¢s independence day celebration (Uhuru day). Former resistance fighters General R and Koinandu plan on publicly executing the traitor who betrayed Kihika (a heroic resistance fighter hailing from the village) on that day. First of all, Ngugi use many characters to express the aim of the story as an African man the protagonist of this story is the loner Mugo, a hero of the British concentration camps where he led a hunger strike and he also tried to stop a village guard from beating a pregnant woman to death. Although he is thought to be a hero through the whole book, he is the traitor of Kihika betraying him to the British in a selfish act to save himself. Also Gikonyo, an ambitious carpenter and business man whoââ¬â¢s married to Mumbi. He confessed to taking the oath of the resistance while in a concentration camp, securing an early release only to find that his wife had borne a child with his hated rival Karanja while he was away. another character is Mumbi, the wife of Gikonyo and sister of Kihika. While Gikonyo was imprisoned she slept with Karanja who had been appointed village chief by the colonial power. Also, Karanja, a collaborator with the British and widely suspected to be the traitor who betrayed Kihika. In addition toKihika, a resistance fighter who conquered a police station and killed the hated District Officer Robson before being caught and hanged after being betrayed by Mugo. and John Thompson, an early British settler and administrator of Thabai, who believes in the ideals of colonial imperialism and persecutes black Africans. A Grain of Wheat is about the events that lead up to the Kenyan independence, or Uruhu. The setting is a Kenyan village. When the characters Gikonyo and Mumbi get married, are in love and just started their lives, Gikonyo is sent to detention. When he comes back after six years, Mumbi had his rivalââ¬â¢s child. They cannot find the words to talk about the past, and a wall is created between them. Mumbiââ¬â¢s brother gets captured and hanged and after loads of events, the town realize that the one they thought to be the hero, was actually the betrayer.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Cyberterrorism
In todayââ¬â¢s world large scale violence has become very common. Attacks such as the sarin gas released in Tokyoââ¬â¢s subway by the group Aum Shinrikyo, the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City, and most recently the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City on September 11th, have proven that terrorist attacks are getting bigger, and that the potential for a massive attack is certainly present. This potential for an attack combined with the ever-growing usage of computers around the world, and the new computer systems created daily make it is easy to see that there could be large attacks on any government by way of a computer. Jim Petroni of the California Specialized Training Institute in San Luis Obispo states that cyber-terrorism is ââ¬Å" any crime. Itââ¬â¢s just a matter of time before someone puts together the mode, the opportunity and the motivation.â⬠(ââ¬Å"New Security Threatsâ⬠, Feb 3, 1997) Now that it is easy to under stand that an attack is very possible, it is necessary to define what exactly is a cyber-terrorist, and what types of things that cyber-terrorists do, and what exactly the government is doing in order to protect against an attack. To start off doing this, let us first look at the FBIââ¬â¢s working definition of cyber-terrorism. The FBI defines cyber-terrorism as ââ¬Å"the premeditated politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, computer programs, and data which result in violence against noncombatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents.â⬠(ââ¬Å"Seminar On Cyberterrorismâ⬠, Apr 16, 1998) This is a good definition of cyber-terrorism, but it cannot be fully understood unless the reader understands what constitutes an act of cyber-terrorism. A terrorist can use a computer in three ways that are seen as acts of cyber-terrorism. These are as a physical means of accomplishing a terrorist act, the storage of information the terrorist uses, and the actual ... Free Essays on Cyberterrorism Free Essays on Cyberterrorism In todayââ¬â¢s world large scale violence has become very common. Attacks such as the sarin gas released in Tokyoââ¬â¢s subway by the group Aum Shinrikyo, the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City, and most recently the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City on September 11th, have proven that terrorist attacks are getting bigger, and that the potential for a massive attack is certainly present. This potential for an attack combined with the ever-growing usage of computers around the world, and the new computer systems created daily make it is easy to see that there could be large attacks on any government by way of a computer. Jim Petroni of the California Specialized Training Institute in San Luis Obispo states that cyber-terrorism is ââ¬Å" any crime. Itââ¬â¢s just a matter of time before someone puts together the mode, the opportunity and the motivation.â⬠(ââ¬Å"New Security Threatsâ⬠, Feb 3, 1997) Now that it is easy to under stand that an attack is very possible, it is necessary to define what exactly is a cyber-terrorist, and what types of things that cyber-terrorists do, and what exactly the government is doing in order to protect against an attack. To start off doing this, let us first look at the FBIââ¬â¢s working definition of cyber-terrorism. The FBI defines cyber-terrorism as ââ¬Å"the premeditated politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, computer programs, and data which result in violence against noncombatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents.â⬠(ââ¬Å"Seminar On Cyberterrorismâ⬠, Apr 16, 1998) This is a good definition of cyber-terrorism, but it cannot be fully understood unless the reader understands what constitutes an act of cyber-terrorism. A terrorist can use a computer in three ways that are seen as acts of cyber-terrorism. These are as a physical means of accomplishing a terrorist act, the storage of information the terrorist uses, and the actual ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Second Grade Writing Prompts
Second Grade Writing Prompts Children in second grade are just beginning to develop their writing skills. By second grade, students should start expressing opinions, recounting narratives, and providing step-by-step instructions in their writing. These second grade writing prompts capitalize on age-appropriate topics to spark studentsââ¬â¢ creativity and engage them in the writing process. Narrative Essay Writing Prompts In their narrative pieces, students should recount a real or imagined event or sequence of events. Their writing should include describing details that indicate thoughts, actions, or feelings. They should conclude their narrative in a way that provides a sense of closure. Kindness Counts.à Write about a time that someone did something kind for you. What did theyà do and howà did it make you feel?Special Day. Describe a special day that you and your best friend shared. What made it so memorable?Left Out. Have you ever felt left out? Write about what happened.Diaper Days. Write about something you remember from when you were a baby or toddler.Rainy Day Fun. Itââ¬â¢s raining outside and your best friend is over to visit. What do you do?Happy Memories. Write a story about one of your happiest memories.Switch-a-roo. Describe what it would be like to switch lives with anyone in the world for a day. Who would it be and what would you do?School Sleepover. Imagine that youââ¬â¢re trapped in your school alone overnight. Tell what happens.Fly-on-the-wall. You wake up and discover that youââ¬â¢re a fly for the day. What do you do?Right and Wrong. Tell about a time when you were tempted to do the wrong thing, but you chose to do the right thing inst ead.Scary Stories. Write about a time when you were scared. Menu Madness. Imagine that youââ¬â¢re in charge of the school lunch menu for the week. What meals would you include?Wild and Wacky. Imagine your class is on a field trip to the zoo and one of the animals starts talking to you. What does he tell you? Opinion Essay Writing Prompts Second graders should write opinion pieces that introduce their topic and provide reasons to support their opinion, using words such as because and and to connect their reasoning. The paper should include a conclusion sentence. Fun and Games. What is your favorite game to play? Why is it better than other activities?Bedtime Tales. What is the best bedtime story your mom or dad has ever read to you? What made it the best?Travel Stops. If you could choose to stay in a tent, an RV, or a fancy hotel while traveling with your family, which would you choose and why?Playground Fun. What is the very best piece of equipment on your schoolââ¬â¢s playground? What makes it the best?Exotic Pets. If you could choose any wild animal for a pet, what would you choose and why?Study Choice. Your teacher has asked you to decide what topic the class studies next. What do you pick and why?Favorite subject. Which school subject is your favorite and why?Yucky or Yummy. Write about a food that you like but most people donââ¬â¢t. Why should people give it a chance?Play Time. Should your school give kids a longer recess time? Why or why not?Digital or Print. Which is better for reading, a printed book or a tablet?Allergies. Are you allergic to anything? Why is it important for people to know about your allergy? Drinks. Do you like milk? Soda? Lemonade? Name your favorite drink and give three reasons why itââ¬â¢s your favorite.Best Day. What is your favorite day of the week? Write an essay including three reasons why that day is the best. Expository Essay Writing Prompts Expository essays inform the readers about a specific topic. Second grade students should introduce their topic and provide facts, definitions, or steps to develop their point. School Day. You have a younger sibling who hasnââ¬â¢t started school yet. Tell him or her about a typical school day.Class Pet. Your class gets to choose a classroom pet for the year.à Name an animal that you think would make a good choice and explainà its needs (such as food, habitat, temperature).Favorite Food. What is your favorite food? Describe it as if no one else has ever seen or tasted it.Seasonal Fun. Pick a season, like summer or fall, and describe your favorite activity during that season.If You Build It. Think of a time when you saw something being built (like a house, a new road, or even a snowman). Explain the stages of the building process.Famous Firsts. Think about a famous first like the first person to walk on the moon or the first person to sail around the world. Explain why this first was so important.Famous People. Choose a famous person and explain what he or she did to become famous.Past Parties. Think of the best party youââ¬â¢ve ever attended and ex plain what made it the best. Favorite Film. Choose your favorite animated film of all time and explain why you love it.Bedtime. Explain why itââ¬â¢s important to get plenty of sleep every night.Funny Pet Tricks. Describe an unusual trick that your pet can do.Holiday Happenings. Select a popular holiday and explain why or how people celebrate it.Smelly Tale. Every place has different smells, good or bad. Describe two or three smells you associate with your home or school. Research Writing Prompts Students should also produce research-based writing by reading books on a topic and writing a report, recording science observations, or using provided materials to answer a question. Turtle Power. Why do turtles have shells?Digging Dinosaurs. Choose your favorite dinosaur and write a report including interesting facts about it.Under the Sea. Learn more about one interesting animal that lives in the ocean. Write a paperà about what you learned.à Places for People. Choose a unique home (such as an igloo or a mud hut) and explain why its suited for the environment in which it is found.Space. Choose one of the planets in our solar system and give five interesting facts about it.Science. Write an observation from a recent science lesson such as how plants grow or what makes up the water cycle.Famous people. Write a report about someone you are studying in your current history lessons.How Is It Made? Choose an everyday object (like LEGO bricks or toilet paper) and find out how itââ¬â¢s made.Desert Dwellers. Pick an animal that lives in the desert and write 3-5 interesting facts about it.Creepy Crawlies. What is the difference between arachnids and insects?Where in the World? Choose a state or country to research. Include 3-5 facts about the place in your report. Whatââ¬â¢s the Difference? Choose two similar animals, such as a horse and a mule, a crocodile and an alligator, or a leopard and a cheetah. Explain how to tell them apart.Sleep Habits. Some animals sleep standing up. Bats sleep hanging upside down. Birds sleep in trees. Choose an animal, bat, or bird and explain how they sleep without falling.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Advantages And Perspectives Of Homeschooling Essay
Advantages And Perspectives Of Homeschooling - Essay Example Public schools offer a diverse range of subjects like theatre, drama, arts, music, dance, which the students can choose depending on their interests. This allows the studentsââ¬â¢ inner talent to be polished and brings them to the forefront. Homeschooled children are at a disadvantage in this regard as such activities are minimal. In addition, homeschooled children do not get much exposed...... Every child has different strengths and weaknesses and hence every child requires different attention from the teachers. In a public school, this is not entertained to as the student to teacher ratio is quite high. In a Homeschooling environment, children are at an advantage as they can be taught in a learning style that fits best. The curriculum is more specialized and specially designed to cater to the needs of the children so that they not only mug up what they are taught but get a true learning experience and understand what they are being taught. One thing commonly experienced by the public school students is the peer pressure. Peer pressure is a negative aspect of public schools as a studentââ¬â¢s life gets influenced by those around him. Most of the time, the student is forced to conform to the demands of the public schools and his own individuality is threatened. Peer pressure may not only drag a student into wrong activities like smoking and drinking but it also affects s tudentsââ¬â¢ way of expression as they are worried as to how others would react to them. In a home-school environment, students grow and develop with very little pressure from their peers and this is the reason why it helps them to express themselves without any fear of what others would think about it. Hence these children learn and study without any stress and pressure.
Friday, November 1, 2019
LEUKEMIA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
LEUKEMIA - Research Paper Example Leukemia, being a blood disorder, affects all systems of the body especially the respiratory, renal and digestive system. As a result of the less white blood cell count, the immune system deteriorates leaving the lungs, the kidney and the digestive tract less resistant to infectious diseases. On the other hand, the decrease of functional red blood cell results to decrease oxygen transport which leads to breathing problems, less effective body waste delivery and filtering in the kidneys and a protracted decrease in appetite due to bleeding in gums. Inflammation, damage and cancerous tumors in the lungs and kidneys have also been attributed to accumulation of leukemic cells. Leukemia is a disorder not yet well understood but the prevailing thought is that the production of abnormal cells in the bone marrow is due to mutations in DNA. Researchers believes that the risk for Leukemia is higher when the patient have one or a combination of the following: Leukemia detection can be definitive only through a routine blood test as there have been cases where chronic leukemia has been found with no prior physical indications. Nonetheless, individuals with leukemia usually suffer from the following: Patient presentation - Always feeling weak or tired, easy bruising and bleeding (dark skin patches or tiny red spots on skin), swollen lymph nodes especially in the neck, fever and night sweats and bone or joint pains. Cytogenetics- involves checking abnormalities in cell chromosomes to determine abnormality. For example, Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) is due to the Philadelphia chromosome, an abnormality in the cellââ¬â¢s chromosomes. Chemotherapy ââ¬â is a drugs-based approach normally administered by vein or by mouth. Those with leukemia in their cerebrospinal fluid receive intrathecal chemotherapy which involves administering drugs in their spinal canal.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Existentialism is a Movement of the 20th Century Essay
Existentialism is a Movement of the 20th Century - Essay Example Kierkegaard is known to be the father of existentialism. He is also a highly known philosopher of the 19th century. Kierkegaard developed the idea of living life in a variety of stages. Aesthetical, ethical and religious were his divisions of life. In his work, he claimed that he went through similar experiences during his lifetime, and he used the stages to establish his own philosophy of life and of human existence. He assessed the first two stages with regard to the normal set of beliefs and behavior. However, the last stage developed based on personal and non-rational opinion ââ¬Å"leap of faithâ⬠(Cooper 517). The aesthetical stage was characterized by immediacy and failure, to reflect with seriousness upon the nature of a personââ¬â¢s life. The people in this stage were defined as like material things and fulfilling their desires as they occurred. People become slaves to their senses and they tend to want to fulfill desires propelled by their senses. People would tend to fulfill needs they consider appropriate and other peopleââ¬â¢s opinion did not count. The stage represents two types of lifestyles; reflective and non-reflective immediacy. Alcohol, sex and drugs are some illustrations of satisfying unrefined immediacy. An individual act without thinking because the satisfaction expected does not require thinking, refined immediacy, on the other hand, characterized by thoughtful planning (Cooper 518). Sometimes people think before undertaking a certain action, but the thoughts do not put into consideration moral and ethical values. Reflection of the lifestyle embarked not put into consideration. Planning made in order to gain full satisfaction of the lifestyle. According to Kierkegaard this pleasures of life will eventually vanish, and an individual will be caught in a moment of despair (Kierkegaard n. p). In the end, one will get tired of the life of luxury and satisfaction would hardly be achieved.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Propolis To Be Selected For Winter Promotion Essay Example for Free
Propolis To Be Selected For Winter Promotion Essay Introduction In coming winter, there will be a special promotion event and a brand of propolis capsules will be selected to present. The aim of this report is to describe the basic information of propolis, show the popularity of propolis and evaluate the advantages and reputation of best seller on market. Firstly the method of research is described, followed by the findings. Then conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made. Methodology Research was conducted to find out the information about propolis. Firstly, table of information about basic information of propolis and research results of evaluation of Comvita Propolis Capsules were conducted by Mr. Tim Burch. Then, websites of two exhibition were visited to get information on Popularity of propolis as a health supplement product. Findings (a) Basic information of propolis According to the table of information, propolis is produced by bee and it is used to build the hives in nature. It is 100% natural substance. Regarding the function, propolis has special power in strengthen and accelerate regeneration of cell as to speed up wound healing. It helps to whiten skin and make skin fine. Besides, boosting immune system is another unique effect of propolis. It contains some anti-allergies like asthma and nasal allergy. Therefore, it helps fight inflammation caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi and lower the chance for other complication occur. (b) Popularity of propolis as a health supplement product Propolis has a board usage as a health supplement product. From the website of MedinePlus( shows the following findings. There sufficient evidence to rate effectiveness for Cold sores, Genital herpes and Mouth surgery. Propolis is very popular as it has many medicinal uses today and it presents over the world. From the website of JAFRA(à shows the findings that just in Japan, there are 300 companies are selling propolis health foods and the market is still increasing. Thus, it shows that propolis is very well-received now. (c) Evaluation of Comvita Propolis Capsules Based on research results from Mr. Tim Burch about the best seller on market, Comvita Propolis Capsules. It evaluates this brand of propolis has two major advantages. High purity and flavonoid has found in Comvita Propolis Capsules, it has competitive content of purity and flavonoid than other product. One of the unique features of the product is â⬠additives freeâ⬠. Comvita Propolis Capsules is a natural product with no artificial colourings lavourings or preservatives. Other than advantages, it has a reputation for honesty and efficiency. There is more than 1000 positive reviews by users on online shopping websites. And Comvita Propolis Capsules becomes the finalist of ââ¬ËProduct of the Yearââ¬â¢ by the Womenââ¬â¢s Weekly Health Wellbeing magazine in Australia. It is perceived that Comvita Propolis Capsules is the best seller on market. Nevertheless, the products are not very stable during winter due to the peak consuming season. Pre-order is needed for porduct s supply.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Growth in the U.K. Economy :: Economics Britain Essays
Growth in the U.K. Economy After the Second World War, Britain enjoyed the longest boom in its history until the 1973-74 oil crisis. There are many, though, who do not view this as a successful period of Britain's history. Although Britain experienced unprecedented growth, its rate of growth was slower than that for many other countries. It is therefore debatable as to whether this was a successful period of Britain's history or not. This essay will examine the statistics of Britain's growth after the Second World War and compare this to statistics for other countries as well as statistics from Britain's past. This will provide evidence to accurately assess Britain's growth performance during this period. The essay will also examine possible reasons for Britain's relative decline such as demand management Government policies, balance of payments problems, an over reliance on traditional manufacturing industries, low investment in capital stock, Trade Union power, poor management, poor business structure and a poor education system. The 25 years from 1948 to 1973 produced growth faster than had been seen in any previous period of equivalent length. During this period, real gross domestic product doubled. The increase in the average growth rate from 2% to 2.8% shows that UK productivity increased considerably. During the 1950s, there were no concerns about the UK growth rate. The standard of living was still higher than that of any other EEC country except Belgium and higher than it had ever been in Britain's history. It was twice as high as Italy and 50% higher than West Germany. When compared to the performance of other countries, though, UK growth rates are less impressive. Other EEC countries had growth rates roughly double that of the UK, between 5% and 6%. This caused great concern amongst many politicians and economists at the time. Most economists look back on the period as a failure. Elbaum and Lazonick, two North American economists say: "If there is much to be learned from the Japanese success, it is our conviction that the United States may have even more to learn from the decline of Britain The significance of a difference of 3% in the growth rate is that, if two countries have a level start, the faster growing country will have twice the output of the slower country in 25 years. This showed that Britain was in relative decline and justified some of the fears of
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Critical Literacy Autobiography Essay
For a girl like me, reading and writing has never come easy. I understand how to read and write I just donââ¬â¢t have a big vocabulary or a desire to open up a book and read. Not putting blame on any one individual, I just feel as if all throughout my education I havenââ¬â¢t been taught how to write well. Maybe writing is something you canââ¬â¢t be taught how to do but I have some friends who are amazing writers and plan to continue their education in journalism. They all have had the same teachers I have had and all have been taught the same curriculum but somehow I fall short as a writer. I donââ¬â¢t believe writing is something you can be literate about I feel you either have a desire to write or you donââ¬â¢t. I have learned to read and write minimal and in the next decade I feel students will be taught less and less on how to read and write. Eventually the way of learning will be vocal and all you will have to know is how to listen and speak. Most commonly, when I have to write itââ¬â¢s not out of finding fun in writing it is more because of an assignment like this where the only end result is a grade and I feel as if more students feel the same way because there is so much technology that you donââ¬â¢t have to be as creative as in the past. My favorite reading is dramas. Things that I can relate to in my everyday life, I love those books that you just canââ¬â¢t put down no matter how hard you try, therefore, I hate those books that you are dragging yourself along in just for the end grade. I find writing fun if I am writing about a topic that I can relate closely too. Although, I do find that writing for fun still doesnââ¬â¢t come easy and I still spend hours trying to figure out how I want to put the words on a piece of paper. In the story from Malcolm X, he is full of knowledge; he repeatedly states different historical events with their dates. He has knowledge that he can elaborate on where I do not. He also refers to Muhammad a lot during his writing and that is someone that is a ââ¬Å"teacherâ⬠to him. He has learned many things from Muhammad which made him the man he was. He has built a reputation through his teaching of history which gives him credentials. He taught me that you can learn to read and write over time but itââ¬â¢s not something that you have to be born with when he stated ââ¬Å"I suppose it was inevitable that as my word-base broadened, I could for the first time pick up a book and read and now begin to understand what the book was saying. â⬠(X) This shows that Malcolm X learned how to read and write while in prison. It shouldnââ¬â¢t be that hard for me to learn to write but somehow I just canââ¬â¢t grasp the concept of becoming a good writer. Anne Lamott has said it all for me in her essay ââ¬Å"Shitty First Draftsâ⬠. She mentions that ââ¬Å"Very few writers really know what theyââ¬â¢re doing until theyââ¬â¢ve done it. â⬠(Lamott) This goes to show that I am not the only person that sucks at writing and after people review and help revise and edit my paper then I slowly start to get on the right path and organize all of my thoughts to go into one direction. Lamott also exclaims ââ¬Å"Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. â⬠(Lamott) This gives me hope that my essays in college may turn out exceptional. I understand that other people have the same problem I do and although they went through elementary, middle school and high school they too cannot produce a wonderful first draft. One day I hope to become a person that gets an idea and can take out a sheet of paper and write down everything on my mind without having to stop and think if I could reword something to sound better. Writing should be like watching television something that relaxes you and lets you vent out all of your stress and problems. I know a lot of people who use journals or diaries to vent out onto and as they are writing away they donââ¬â¢t stop to rephrase something or let their grammar get in the way and that is how a first draft should be. As for me I worry all the way through about if it makes sense, if I am repeating myself, or even if I am writing what is asked of me. People who are authors writer because their love for writing and I know authors that are terrible at getting their point across or take the whole book before spilling the gossip but people still read their books and still get intrigued by their writing. I hope throughout the next eight years of college I will become more literate as a reader, writer, and speaker. I will have a larger vocabulary and use it in a unique way. I understand that I wonââ¬â¢t have an English class for the next eight years but I will continue to perfect my writing into something people enjoy reading about. I will make every effort to perfect my writing in this class and the rest of my future. As a student reading and writing skills are vital to success so this class and others shall help me perk mine in the right direction. Works Cited Lamott, Anne. ââ¬Å"Shitty First Drafts. â⬠Wardle, Elizabeth and Doug Downs. Writing About Writing. 1994. 301-304. X, Malcolm. ââ¬Å"Learning to Read. â⬠Wardle, Elizabeth and Doug Downs. Writing About Writing. 1965. 354-357.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Go Green Essay
The honorable, Miss Asmi Rusmanayanti as our speaking lecturer. Firstly. I would like to praise to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His Blessing we are able to attend this speaking class. Secondly may peace be upon the prophet Muhammad Saw who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness. Ladies and gentlemen Before I deliver my speech, let me introduce may self. My name is Indrawati Husna. It is a great pleasure for me to be given the opportunity to deliver a speech entitled; Go Green. Ladies and gentlemen Go Green! program of environmental protection. This is just a simple phrase. But it means a lot for our earth. It aims at making global movements to participate actively in saving our earth ââ¬â the only planet in which we live. In the last century, we know that our environment especially our rainforest in Indonesia has been cut down by human. Scientists state the function of rainforest as lungs of the world. Based on fact, Indonesia has lost 72% of the original fores t. How horrible it is! The deforestation will influence a lot of our environment. If deforestation keeps going on, the greenhouse effects cannot be reduced and finally the global warming will keep increasing. It warns us that our earth is in danger and we should participate actively to take care of our environment. Ladies and gentlemen Human growth increased, but not supported by natural growth. The modern people in this millennium era had affected so many destructive impacts which are really needed to be concern. They not only want to increase their prosperity, but also increase their rate of comfortable and luxurious life. Because of that the protected animal and plant nearly extinct, forest logging without reboization, and uncontrolled of mine exploitation. The impact of those problem cause Global Warming keeps increasing that its disaster such as floods, earthquake, landslides that can kill human life. The disaster can happen anytime and anywhere, every month even every week. We have to be worry about this. Ladies and gentlemen We live in the same world; in this earth. Nature balance was really disturbed by human behavior. As the youth generation without exception we should devote and participate on any program that cares to our environment and go green is one of them. The importance of Go green is making our environment to be green and full of fresh air. Everyone must be responsible for every single plant. We should do this for our better future environment. If there are 300 million people in Indonesia, there will be 300 millions of plants in Indonesia. In addition, planting any kinds of trees in the barren area or in side of the road can be done. That is a good start. These activities can be supported by doing another activity in saving our earth such as: 1. Stop deforestation and do reforestation movement 2. Reduce the use / purchase of goods made of plastic because almost all of plastic waste will produce harmful gases when burned and can pollute the environment. 3. Donââ¬â¢t throw away rubbish anywhere which can disturb the flowing of the river water. 4. Reduce fuel consumption. I believe we all can do and cooperate together. No one will get disadvantage. Ladies and gentlemen The importance of saving our environment is the need for all of us, for human being to survive. It is not only for us, but also for our next generation. The disasters above can be minimized if all of human beings can preserve our environment and we must pay more attention to our environment whenever and wherever. By doing those simple efforts, it means we have participated in the preservation of our environment. I think thatââ¬â¢s all my speech. Hopefully it will be useful for all of us and thank you very much for your attention.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Children, Reading, and Literature Essay Example
Children, Reading, and Literature Essay Example Children, Reading, and Literature Essay Children, Reading, and Literature Essay Childrenââ¬â¢s reading materials when chosen in the light of their needs and interests serves as one of the essential factors in their development in the various phases of growth. Good literature brings the child to contact with great minds and various forms of experiences, increasing his knowledge of human nature and of the expanding world around him. Literature does not only increase the childââ¬â¢s knowledge about life and living but can also become a springboard for creative writing, dramatics, art and music. In order to achieve these desirable changes in the child through literature, it is necessary to know each child-his interests capacities, needs and aspirations. Parents, teachers and librarians share the responsibity of helping him find the right books and provide activities that are related to his interests and needs. Definitions Interest is an expression of an individualââ¬â¢s pattern of reaction or behaviour toward himself, his environment, his associates and the situations him may find himself. Needs has been defined as the desire for what are called or considered necessities. Need is lack of these necessities. Needs are strong motivations that have to be met. Needs have been classified in several ways: physical, mental, emotional, social, moral, and spiritual, aesthetic, economic, and recreational. Other educators and child psychologists classify needs of children which are also basically manââ¬â¢s needs as: need for material security, need for emotional security, need for intellectual security, need to belong, to be a part of a group, need for recreation or diversion, need for aesthetic satisfaction. Need for Material Security The childââ¬â¢s need for material or economic security comes first and begins in his motherââ¬â¢s and fatherââ¬â¢s arm. It extends gradually to include his regular routine of eating and sleeping and everything that gives him comfort and well-being. The old fairy tales were told by people who didnââ¬â¢t have en
Monday, October 21, 2019
buy custom Work-Family Life essay
buy custom Work-Family Life essay Work-home balance refers to an individuals perception of the relationship between family and work roles. Work and home balance is often conflicting and competing in nature. Women in the modern society have difficulty in rising to managerial positions and rarely become company managers due to their caregiving and domestic demands. Most men and women have to juggle work with family with the views that the central part of an employees life is work. Women mostly have to sacrifice home roles to be successful at their jobs. Anne-Marie Slaughter comments on the assumption that the workplaces are designed to separate family demands from the work ones. She argues that this approach is necessary for all workers to perform the task of being a parent and a worker. She notes that as employment organizations are becoming more demographically diverse, there also should be a review of the applicable family-work relationship to prevent adverse outcomes, especially for the working mothers. In her article, she argues that work and family is a win-lose relationship, proving that individuals have limited time to apportion between their numerous life roles (Slaughter, 2012). There is a negative perception of balancing home and work relationship. For women, having ultiple roles depletes resources, distracts, and the result is that they are overloaded. The work-family strain customarily leaves them with an option to quit the job. The workplaces still operate the same way, and there are no improvements in accommodating the family demands bestowed on women. Anne-Marie suggests that there should be ways designed to support the family and help manage workloads to avoid the role conflict and make it easier for women to have it all. In many instances, the emotions and mood from one domain influence to a great extent those of the other. If a woman has a good day and has some extra energy and emotions to allocate to the family, she will reap benefits from both domains. An ideal family will mean positive emotions at workplaces. Beside working women who have children, concerns connected with work-home balance affect other employees as well. Most women who prosper and attain top posts find themselves sacrificing a family to be in a position to concentrate on one end. Annie claims, Every male Supreme Court justice has a family. Two of the three female justices are single with no children. (Slaughter, 2012). The study shows how difficult it has become for women to maintain high positions at workplaces and have successful families compared to their male counterparts. Individuals holding well-paid positions at advanced managerial levels in most cases experience greater work conflict and higher imbalance in work-family life due to overwork. Mostly, there are too many tasks competing for an individuals energy and time, which results in strain and overload. On the other hand, individuals at the lower end of the economic scale experience conflict due to lack of resources to get quality childcare and flexibility of work. Therefore, employees at both ends of the economy experience work-family conflict, although their reasons for it are different (Pitt-Catsouphes, Kossek, Sweet, 2006). Given womens greater caregiving responsibilities, work-family conflict seems to affect their satisfaction at a higher degree compared to men. Managers should hence design appropriate workplaces to support this balance. For this to happen, women will have to express their opinions on this issue for everybody to hear them if they want to have it all. According to a viewpoint that becomes more and more popular, women can achieve balance by only having control over their work and being able to properly utilize their time and energy. If a woman wants to achieve positive results in both career and family, she must avoid overload, and there should not be many competing roles. Buy custom Work-Family Life essay
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Albert Einstein, Developer of the Theory of Relativity
Albert Einstein, Developer of the Theory of Relativity Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879ââ¬âApril 18, 1955), a German-born theoretical physicist who lived during the 20th century, revolutionized scientific thought. Having developed the Theory of Relativity, Einstein opened the door for the development of atomic power and the creation of the atomic bomb. Einstein is best known for his 1905 general theory of relativity, Emc2, which posits that energy (E) equals mass (m) times the speed of light (c) squared. But his influence went far beyond that theory. Einsteins theories also changed thinking about how the planets revolve around the sun. For his scientific contributions, Einstein also won the 1921 Nobel Prize in physics. Einstein also was forced to Flee Nazi Germany after the rise of Adolf Hitler. Its no exaggeration to say that his theories indirectly helped lead the Allies to victory over the Axis powers in World War II, particularly the defeat of Japan. Fast Facts: Albert Einstein Known For: The General Theory of Relativity, Emc2, which led to the development of the atomic bomb and atomic power.Born: March 14, 1879 in Ulm,à Kingdom of Wà ¼rttemberg,à German EmpireParents: Hermann Einstein and Pauline KochDied: April 18, 1955 in Princeton, New JerseyEducation: Swiss Federal Polytechnic (1896ââ¬â1900, B.A., 1900; University of Zurich, Ph.D., 1905)Published Works: On a Heuristic Point of View Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light, On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, Does an Objectââ¬â¢s Inertia Depend on Its Energy Content?Awards and Honors: Barnard Medal (1920), Nobel Prize in Physics (1921), Matteucci Medal (1921), Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society (1926), Max Planck Medal (1929), Time Person of the Century (1999)Spouses: Mileva MariÃâ¡ (m. 1903ââ¬â1919), Elsa Là ¶wenthal (m. 1919ââ¬â1936)Children: Lieserl, Hans Albert Einstein, EduardNotable Quote: Try and penetrate with our limited means the secrets of na ture and you will find that, behind all the discernible concatenations, there remains something subtle, intangible and inexplicable. Early Life and Education Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany to Jewish parents, Hermann and Pauline Einstein. A year later, Hermann Einsteins business failed and he moved his family to Munich to start a new electric business with his brother Jakob. In Munich, Alberts sister Maja was born in 1881. Only two years apart in age, Albert adored his sister and they had a close relationship with each other their whole lives. Although Einstein is now considered the epitome of genius, in the first two decades of his life, many people thought Einstein was the exact opposite. Right after Einstein was born, relatives were concerned with Einsteins pointy head. Then, when Einstein didnt talk until he was 3 years old, his parents worried something was wrong with him. Einstein also failed to impress his teachers. From elementary school through college, his teachers and professors thought he was lazy, sloppy, and insubordinate. Many of his teachers thought he would never amount to anything. When Einstein was 15 years old, his fathers new business had failed and the Einstein family moved to Italy. At first, Albert remained behind in Germany to finish high school, but he was soon unhappy with that arrangement and left school to rejoin his family. Rather than finish high school, Einstein decided to apply directly to the prestigious Polytechnic Institute in Zurich, Switzerland. Although he failed the entrance exam on the first try, he spent a year studying at a local high school and retook the entrance exam in October 1896 and passed. Once at the Polytechnic, Einstein again did not like school. Believing that his professors only taught old science, Einstein would often skip class, preferring to stay home and read about the newest in scientific theory. When he did attend class, Einstein would often make it obvious that he found the class dull. Some last-minute studying allowed Einstein to graduate in 1900. However, once out of school, Einstein was unable to find a job because none of his teachers liked him enough to write him a recommendation letter. For nearly two years, Einstein worked at short-term jobs until a friend was able to help him get a job as a patent clerk at the Swiss Patent Office in Bern. Finally, with a job and some stability, Einstein was able to marry his college sweetheart, Mileva Maric, whom his parents strongly disapproved. The couple went on to have two sons: Hans Albert (born 1904) and Eduard (born 1910). Einstein the Patent Clerk For seven years, Einstein worked six days a week as a patent clerk. He was responsible for examining the blueprints of other peoples inventions and then determining whether they were feasible. If they were, Einstein had to ensure that no one else had already been given a patent for the same idea. Somehow, between his very busy work and family life, Einstein not only found time to earn a doctorate from the University of Zurich (awarded 1905) but found time to think. It was while working at the patent office that Einstein made his most influential discoveries. Influential Theories In 1905, while working at the patent office, Einstein wrote five scientific papers, which were all published in the Annalen der Physik (Annals of Physics, a major physics journal). Three of these were published together in September 1905. In one paper, Einstein theorized that light must not just travel in waves but existed as particles, which explained the photoelectric effect. Einstein himself described this particular theory as revolutionary. This was also the theory for which Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. In another paper, Einstein tackled the mystery of why pollen never settled to the bottom of a glass of water but rather, kept moving (Brownian motion). By declaring that the pollen was being moved by water molecules, Einstein solved a longstanding, scientific mystery and proved the existence of molecules. His third paper described Einsteins Special Theory of Relativity, in which Einstein revealed that space and time are not absolutes. The only thing that is constant, Einstein stated, is the speed of light; the rest of space and time are all based on the position of the observer. Not only are space and time not absolutes, Einstein discovered that energy and mass, once thought completely distinct items, were actually interchangeable. In his Emc2à equation (Eenergy, mmass, and cspeed of light), Einstein created a simple formula to describe the relationship between energy and mass. This formula reveals that a very small amount of mass can be converted into a huge amount of energy, leading to the later invention of the atomic bomb. Einstein was only 26 years old when these articles were published and already he had done more for science than any individual since Sir Isaac Newton. Scientists Take Notice In 1909, four years after his theories were first published, Einstein was finally offered a teaching position. Einstein enjoyed being a teacher at the University of Zurich. He had found traditional schooling as he grew up extremely limiting and thus he wanted to be a different kind of teacher. Arriving at school unkempt, with hair uncombed and his clothes too baggy, Einstein soon became known as much for his appearance as his teaching style. As Einsteins fame within the scientific community grew, offers for new, better positions began to pour in. Within only a few years, Einstein worked at the University of Zurich (Switzerland), then the German University in Prague (Czech Republic), and then went back to Zurich for the Polytechnic Institute. The frequent moves, the numerous conferences that Einstein attended, and preoccupation of Einstein with science left Mileva (Einsteins wife) feeling both neglected and lonely. When Einstein was offered a professorship at the University of Berlin in 1913, she didnt want to go. Einstein accepted the position anyway. Not long after arriving in Berlin, Mileva and Albert separated. Realizing the marriage could not be salvaged, Mileva took the kids back to Zurich. They officially divorced in 1919. Achieves Worldwide Fame Duringà World War I, Einstein stayed in Berlin and worked diligently on new theories. He worked like a man obsessed. With Mileva gone, he often forgot to eat and sleep. In 1917, the stress eventually took its toll and he collapsed. Diagnosed with gallstones, Einstein was told to rest. During his recuperation, Einsteins cousin Elsa helped nurse him back to health. The two became very close and when Alberts divorce was finalized, Albert and Elsa married. It was during this time that Einstein revealed his General Theory of Relativity, which considered the effects of acceleration and gravity on time and space. If Einsteins theory was correct, then the gravity of the sun would bend light from stars. In 1919, Einsteins General Theory of Relativity could be tested during a solar eclipse. In May 1919, two British astronomers (Arthur Eddington and Sir Frances Dyson) were able to put together an expedition that observed theà solar eclipseà and documented the bent light. In November 1919, their findings were announced publicly. After having suffered monumental bloodshed during World War I, people around the world were craving news that went beyond their countrys borders. Einstein became a worldwide celebrity overnight. It wasnt just his revolutionary theories; it was Einsteins general persona that appealed to the masses. Einsteins disheveled hair, poorly fitting clothes, doe-like eyes, and witty charm endeared him to the average person. He was a genius, but he was an approachable one. Instantly famous, Einstein was hounded by reporters and photographers wherever he went. He was given honorary degrees and asked to visit countries around the world. Albert and Elsa took trips to the United States, Japan, Palestine (now Israel), South America, and throughout Europe. Becomes an Enemy of the State Although Einstein spent the 1920s traveling and making special appearances, these took away from the time he could work on his scientific theories. By the early 1930s, finding time for science wasnt his only problem. The political climate in Germany was changing drastically. Whenà Adolf Hitlerà took power in 1933, Einstein was luckily visiting the United States (he never returned to Germany). The Nazis promptly declared Einstein an enemy of the state, ransacked his house, and burned his books. As death threats began, Einstein finalized his plans to take a position at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, New Jersey. He arrived at Princeton on Oct. 17, 1933. Einstein suffered a personal loss when Elsa died on Dec. 20, 1936. Three years later, Einsteins sister Maja fled fromà Mussolinis Italyà and came to live with Einstein in Princeton. She stayed until her death in 1951. Until the Nazis took power in Germany, Einstein had been a devoted pacifist for his entire life. However, with the harrowing tales coming out of Nazi-occupied Europe, Einstein reevaluated his pacifist ideals. In the case of the Nazis, Einstein realized they needed to be stopped, even if that meant using military might to do so. The Atomic Bomb In July 1939, scientistsà Leo Szilardà and Eugene Wigner visited Einstein to discuss the possibility that Germany was working on building an atomic bomb. The ramifications of Germany building such a destructive weapon prompted Einstein to write a letter toà President Franklin D. Rooseveltà to warn him about this potentially massive weapon. In response, Roosevelt established theà Manhattan Project, a collection of U.S. scientists urged to beat Germany to the construction of a working atomic bomb. Even though Einsteins letter prompted the Manhattan Project, Einstein himself never worked on constructing the atomic bomb. Later Years and Death From 1922 until the end of his life, Einstein worked on finding a unified field theory. Believing that God does not play dice, Einstein searched for a single, unified theory that could combine all the fundamental forces of physics between elementary particles. Einstein never found it. In the years after World War II, Einstein advocated for a world government and for civil rights. In 1952, after the death of Israels first President Chaim Weizmann, Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel. Realizing that he was not good at politics and too aged to start something new, Einstein declined the offer. On April 12, 1955, Einstein collapsed at his home. Just six days later, on April 18, 1955, Einstein died when the aneurysm he had been living with for several years finally burst. He was 76 years old. Resources and Further Reading ââ¬Å"The Year Of Albert Einstein.â⬠à, Smithsonian Institution, 1 June 2005.ââ¬Å"Albert Einstein.â⬠à, AE Networks Television, 14 Feb. 2019.Kuepper, Hans-Josef. ââ¬Å"The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein.â⬠à Albert Einstein - Honours, Prizes and Awards.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Case study K-12 Education common core standards
K-12 Education common core standards - Case Study Example The common core standard system will establish objectives that the education sector should achieve within a certain timeframe. After the period of execution, they will provide a reference point for performance evaluation. In essence, the common core standards system will have provided a framework for performance evaluation in the education system. Performance evaluation is imperative in any sector since it reveals to the different stakeholders the impacts of the existing strategies. Despite having all the right intentions, the common core standards system may be counterproductive if undertaken unilaterally (Oros, 2007, p. 297). The process of establishing standards should be all-inclusive to ensure that educators and school administrators also contribute to the creation of the educational standards. In addition, the implementation should also involve the educators and administrator who are well versed with the challenges of implementing any education policy. The common core standards system will establish a mentality that the stakeholders have to keep improving if they are to remain relevant in the education system, which will be beneficial to the students, and the education system. Overall, the common core standards system is a noble educational system whose success will depend on the implementation and acceptance in the learning
The Development of the New Media Economics under influence of global Research Proposal
The Development of the New Media Economics under influence of global economics crises - Research Proposal Example The economic indicators of media industry are crucial to study and understand. Answering this question will allow to establish relationship of performance of the industry according to the external environmental factor. Global economic crisis have impacted the economic activities of the developed, developing and underdeveloped economies. According to IMF definition of global recession, the growth rate of economy less than three percent results in global recession (Lall, 2008). Nevertheless the theoretical motivation comes from the book of Albarran (1996) that allowed basic understanding of media economics, where economic activities of different media markets have been covered. This initiated interest of researcher on different aspects of media economics. The global crisis brought different economic situation of a business cycle particularly to new media economics. New Media Economics is that field of economic studies that covers different aspects of production, distribution and consumption of media services by different consumer groups. This is an interdisciplinary study that borrows thoughts from different areas of studies like entertainment studies, management, economics, psychology and others. This study also covers the impact of technology on the different operations of media industries. There have been various studies done in order to understand different aspects of new media economics (Lall, 2008). ââ¬Å"The world economy is likely to shrink for the first time in decades this year, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned. Dominique Strauss-Kahns prediction is gloomier than that the IMFs current official forecast of 0.5% growth. He added that trade was falling at an alarming rate and business and consumer confidence had collapsed. (BBC, March 2009)â⬠In this scenario, there are too much of talk in our own surroundings and environment that attracts people to know more about the same. Media
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